Caprichem offers a premium line of high-quality detergents, spotters, and additives for laundry and dry cleaning. Full range of laundry products designed for banquet facilities, hotels, hospitals, and long-term care, from softeners, that soften the fabric and to starches that stiffen it. As an add-on service to our customers, Caprichem has a Technical Division whereby we offer Technical Services such as the descaling of dishwashing machines, regular service calls, and minor repairs. We can also supply portion-controlled equipment for the correct product use, which means that products are dosed at the right proportion cost-effectively. We do Dosing units for dishwashing machines and laundry machines, BD2’s and Tap feeders for kitchen sinks for manual dishwashing, Click-a-mixers for custom portion control of chemicals, Foaming units for the Automotive Industries as well as hand soap dispensers, etc.
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