Pool Salt 25KG


Pool Salt 25KG


POOL SALT when added to your pool helps keep your pool crystal clear as it is converted into
chlorine through a process called electrolysis.Can also be used to soften the feel of pool water,
making it gentle on your skin, eyes, hair and will not fade out swimwear.

POOL SALT is important for several reasons: Using the right pool salt helps a salt chlorine
generator work efficiently. Maintaining the right salt levels helps to maintain the right chlorine
levels, and therefore a clean pool. Unlike chlorine, pool salt is actually just standard NaCl,
sodium chloride. It is really just table salt in a different form. The primary difference is
thatpool salt comes in a larger cuts or sizes. The two chemical elements that comprise pool salt
are sodium and chlorine.

Product Information

Product Code: EB-POOLS25

Barcode: 6009657160222

Weight: 25.00 kg

Dimensions: 12cm (L) x 40cm (W) x 50cm (H)